Find the right retention for the application.
Retention is the amount of preservative retained in the wood after treatment. The preservative used has been subjected to extensive field-testing and has proven its viability for long-term performance in some of the harshest environments in the world. It also offers proven protection against rot, fungal decay and termite attack.
Retentions include:
Above Ground – Fence
Applications: Fence pickets
Above Ground – Light Duty
AWPA Use Category: UC3B
Above Ground Applications: Balusters; Spindles; Handrails; Lattice; Decking (in certain applications)
Ground Contact Applications: Not allowed
Use when:
- Easily replaced or maintained
- Not critical to performance and safety of structure
- Above six inches from the ground
- Proper ventilation and drainage
Ground Contact – General Duty
AWPA Use Category: UC4A
Above Ground Applications: Beams; Joists; Ledger Boards; Decking
Ground Contact Applications: Step Stringers; Posts
Use when:
- Difficult to replace or maintain
- Critical to performance and safety of structure
- Less than six inches from the ground
- Poor ventilation and drainage
- Exposure to frequent wetting (freshwater, swimming pools, hot tub or sprinkler system)
- Prolonged contact with vegetation or leaf litter
Ground Contact – Heavy Duty
AWPA Use Category: UC4B
Above Ground Applications: None
Ground Contact Applications: Posts
Use when:
- Difficult to replace or maintain
- Supporting a permanent structure
- Exposure to salt water
- Extreme climates